art camp in Long Island

You Be You: Music, Art, Dance, and Theater Camps in Bridgehampton, NY and Lebanon, NJ

One of the benefits for those that come to our summer camps and classes in the Hamptons and New Jersey, Rock Camp, Jazz Workshop. Diving into Art, Dance Intensive, and Theater Workshop is that you are doing two things at the same time.

I once has a teacher that asked me what was a guitar. What is it? Well, it’s carved wood with steel or nylon strings, etc… The teacher shook his head, no, no, no. He smiled and said the guitar is a reflection of you! When you are studying to learn and master an art form this concept becomes more apparent every day. Through learning an art form you start to learn more and more about yourself. The second thing you realize is that while it’s important you work on your individual skills, it is also important to work well with others, to cooperate, challenge and support your fellow musicians, artists, dancers, and actors. These two ideas are not only important in the arts, but life in general!

Looking forward to seeing everyone this July!

Hamptons Summer Art Camp, Diving Into Art, Watercolor Painting

Our summer art camp in the Hamptons, Diving Into Art, meets in July for 2 weeks at our campus in Bridgehampton, NY. In Session I, July 18-22, we will focus on acrylic painting, and in Session II, July 25-29, we will focus on watercolor painting.

Watercolor painting is a whole world in and of itself, and paintings in this style give plenty room for the viewer to add his or her interpretation. This is definitely the case in the works of impressionist painters such as Monet, Degas, and Renoir.

An interesting technique to bring out different textures in your watercolor paintings is to use salt in the painting process.

Here is a short video demonstrating the process.

Standing on the Shoulders of the Masters, Diving into Art in the Hamptons

In Bridgehampton, Long Island is an art camp where students learn the importance of standing on the shoulders of the masters, Diving into Art. The idea of learning from the masters is nothing new. Artists learn have always learned by modeling the techniques of prior masters in order to learn the fundamentals which ultimately act as a springboard for you to do your own thing, in your unique way. This concept underscores what happens in our painting classes at our camp Diving into Art. The week of July 18th we will explore acrylic painting and the following week of July 25th, watercolor painting.

We can see played out in the work of Norman Rockwell and Michelangelo's portrayal of the prophet Isaiah from the Sistine Chapel. Normal Rockwell adored the history of art. It is evident in Rosie the Riveter, the Saturday Evening Post cover of May 29, 1943.

An Inner Confidence Rises Up, Music, Art, Dance, Theater Camp in the Hamptons

Through the years I have noticed an inner confidence emerge from students in our music, art, dance, theater camp in the Hamptons and New Jersey. Something happens when someone throws himself or herself into something and creates something that they never thought was possible.

When students arrive at our music camp, our art camp, our theater camp, and our dance camp in the Hamptons and New Jersey, there is a mix of excitement and maybe a bit of nervous energy. It’s amazing to see how this feeling transforms into a certain confidence that comes through performance and sharing your talents with your peers, family, and the public. It’s not showy…it’s a kind of quiet, inner confidence that radiates outward that’s built on accomplishments that they have seen through on their own with their fellow musicians, dancers, artists, and actors.

How a "Mistake" in Music Can Say So Much, Rock Camp, Jazz Workshop, Dance Intensive, Theater Workshop in New Jersey and the Hamptons

One of the benefits of learning music is you learn to adapt to change in the moment. Creating something whether its music, art, dance, or theater, you have to work as a team, and embracing change is part of that. This is something you will learn and experience at Rock Camp, Jazz Workshop, Dance Intensive, and Theater Workshop in New Jersey and the Hamptons. The bass player may be rushing the beat a little bit, the drummer forgets the cue going to the bridge, an actor forgets a line, a painter makes a brush stroke he didn’t intend. What do you do, especially if it’s during a live performance?

Here is a fascinating video of the great pianist Herbie Hancock talking about making a “mistake” at the piano in a performance with the trumpeter Miles Davis. Herbie talks about cringing when it happened, but then he talks about how MIles Davis heard what happened and altered his notes to make his “mistake” something perfect. Herbie goes to say how this experience taught him to approach music and life differently. So good, check it out.

Art Camp in The Hamptons, Bridgehampton, Diving Into Art

Diving into Art is a summer art camp in the Hamptons for students during the day (9-3 pm, High School, Middle School), and then in the afternoons we offering classes for adults (3-5 pm). We welcome painters who are new to art to experienced artists. All of our teachers are very friendly as we dive into acrylic painting the week of July 18-22 and then watercolor painting the week of July 25-29, with electives in the afternoon both weeks.

Our classes are all outside, under a large tent, in Bridgehampton and every student has his or her own canvas, brushes, and paint. Our ultimate goal is for students of all ages to learn and refine their skills, and then to ultimately go off on their own and create works in their own way.

The Hamptons has inspired many in the arts with its inspiring landscapes and ocean views, another world away from the pressures of New York City. Artists such as Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Mary Abbott, Paul Jenkins, Ray Parker, Elaine de Kooning, Willem de Kooning, Franz Kline, and many others spent time on the craft in the Hamptons. Here is a great shot of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner below.

Summer Art Camp in the Hamptons, New York

If you love drawing, painting, and create works of art you are in the right spot! Diving into Art is the name of our summer art camp in the Hamptons and like the name suggests you will be actively learning and creating works of art this July 18-22nd and July 25-29th in Bridgehampton on Long Island in the Hamptons.

In Session I, July 18-22, we will explore acrylic painting, the fundamental of drawing, and there will be a series of electives in the afternoon (anime drawing, photography, and more). In Session II, July 25-29, our focus will be watercolor painting with amazing electives in the afternoon as well. At the end of both sessions there be “Works In Progress Exhibit” open to friends, family, and the general public.

See you this July!